May 20, 2008

Recipe: Spaghetti Pomodoro

My homemade Spaghetti Al Pomodoro

Blend onion and garlic together. Fry in olive oil. You may add minced beef (optional). Add canned tomato puree, paste and sauce. Simmer and add
bayleaf (foglia di alloro), nutmeg powder (noce moscata) and beef stock (you can add more spices/herbs). Add salt to taste. Simmer for half an hour on slow fire.

The rich red colour is really appetising, isn't it? The result of the recipe can really vary with the mixture and kind of puree/paste/sauce used. We had to experiment with different brands and mixtures. The best recipe was the one pictured, but unfortunately we forgot to record the mixture! ):

1 comment:

  1. Hey Rexic, welcome back.
    Wah! your new blog is very stylo leh. Peifu! Peifu!
    Hugs, Hungrybear
